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How to Study Yoga Online | A Guide

A Guide to Successfully Competing your Yoga Teacher Training Course Online

Without dwelling on the negative lets instead mindfully acknowledge it. 2020 has been off to a rough start and its understandable if you feel nervous, bent out of shape, and maybe even a little bit scared. I know I do. It is important for us not to run from our fears or try to distract ourselves from thinking of them for they flourish in the darkness and instead bring them into the light and notice them. Let's consider that maybe this time came as a blessing if you’d been too busy with work to start chasing your dreams even if you truly wanted to, if you have a family and couldn’t afford to take the time to fly across the county to part take in your dream teacher training course such times might come as a sign from above that this is it, this is your starting point.

Today lets take a look at how you can use the time you now have as a fantastic way to gain the momentum you’d otherwise struggle to find. Jump into the unknown as you’d always wanted to but wasn’t sure you could.

So is an online teacher training worth it?

As with every course, this will depend on the school, the course itself, and of course the level of experience of the lead instructors. If you search for courses you will often find a large number all with varying prices. Some of the courses will not have any support, complete lack of hands-on teaching, or even any communication with the instructors themselves. These kinds of courses are frequently sold for less than $500 and while it is clear that the education on these courses would be less than stellar there is also the high possibility of receiving a bogus certificate.

To give a bit of contrast our school, for example, holds all our lectures live through zoom with Nathalie our lead trainer who has more than 20 years of experience in sport, yoga, and a high level of education in sport science. At the same time, we offer pre-recorded video lessons in practical aspects such as mobility, and positions which after having discussed them in lectures the students would be able to practice and feel for themselves during their self-study. The constant ability to ask questions, participate in discussions, and engage with the group is what elevates any real-time training.

On that note, let's take a look at all of the steps in successfully completing your yoga teacher training online.

Step 1.

Decide what you want to study.

This seems like such an obvious step I ought not to have mentioned it at all but there are a couple of things to consider here. For anyone who has been practicing yoga for a while and wants to dive deeper and learn more about the body, mind, and soul I would suggest joining a 200hr teacher training course.

You don’t have to become a yoga teacher upon earning your certificate but the knowledge you will gain will no doubt be a life-changing addition to your life. The 200hr TTc acts as your foundation, you will learn about the ancient yoga practices and concepts, deconstruct positions, and gain an understanding of their alignment and so much more. Until the 30th of June (for now) real-time online 200hr courses are recognized by the international Yoga Alliance. The distinction of real-time is important here as any and all pre-filmed courses may count towards your non- contact hours but will not earn you a certificate.

If you already have your 200hr - now would be the perfect time to build upon it. Join a shorter course in a style you'd want to know more about or another practice like Ayurveda.

Step 2.

Set up your space.

Of course, all you need to practice yoga is your body and your breath but having a space dedicated just to your study of the subject will no doubt make the learning process a lot easier and more enjoyable. If you want to learn more about what you need to perfect your home yoga space have look at our blog post right here on how to do just that.

This also includes the space you'll use to participate in the lectures - make sure you are comfortable if you'll be doing this on your mat (it would be useful to have a pillow to sit on in this case) or if you choose to sit at a desk make sure that your space is organized before you begin and you have all your books and are ready to take notes.

Step 3.

Do your readings.

If you have read my take on How to Prepare for your Yoga Teacher Training Course which is one of our most-read posts then you’ll know that one of the things I recommend most to get you ready and confident for your yoga teacher training is not practicing like crazy to get into “shape” but beginning your readings ahead of time.

If your school provides the books you'll need this makes it extra easy for you to get started on becoming familiar with the contents.

Step 4.

Take it at your own pace.

When you join an in-person teacher's training, especially if its one with a big group there is always a possibility that you’ll be chasing behind some of the group attempting to catch up or wanting to stay longer on a particular topic. That chance is minimized with an online ttc as group sizes are typically smaller and the instructors (who are of course also staying at home) can move things around and accommodate your needs.

Step 5.

Ask Questions!

One of the things we have found since beginning teaching online courses is that people who ask a lot of questions and actively participate in discussions not only benefit themselves but the group as a whole.

Take the initiative to lead the conversation in the direction you want it to go because I guarantee your instructor will be all the happier to follow your path.

Step 6.

Join the community.

One of the best things about yoga is the way it has, for thousands of years, brought people together and created a sense of shared thought.

By joining the community whether that be with your peers on your ttc, Facebook groups, etc you will gain not only friends and supporters but crucial people who will be able to help you along the way as you chase your dreams whatever those may be.

As always we welcome questions through here and are looking forward to seeing you in the next one.

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In-Depth Yoga Teachers Trainings

In-Depth Yoga Academy holds a handful of teacher trainings every year, spots are very much limited for the semi-private courses as we aim to provide quality education to each student.

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We are are a yoga school focusing on education, making wonderful yoga instructors with in-depth knowledge and experience. 

Our ONLINE SCHOOL is just been opened. 

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